Swtor legacy family tree benefits
Swtor legacy family tree benefits

swtor legacy family tree benefits

If you have created a level 60 or 65 Outlander character, your main story objective will be to simply follow the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion story. This is not recommended for new players looking to enjoy the story. Starting a character at level 60 or 65 is referred to as using an Outlander Token, which starts you at the beginning of the later expansions. Most players start at level 1, but there is an option to create a level 60 or 65 character if you have subscribed recently or have bought the opportunity from the Cartel Market. (View Reddit Discussion on Class Story Order) Outlander Token - Start at Level 60 or 65 The good news is that all the class stories happen at roughly the same time - so you can pick the class that interests you the most, and it doesn't matter if you choose to play a Jedi Knight or an Imperial Agent first. Your first step in your character creation is to pick a faction and a class. we can only help answer your questions about the game. Please note this is not for finding someone to help you in game. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come across them at the right time or might accidentally miss them all together while focusing on your main quest.įull Size Chart - use the menu to learn more about a specific storyline Get HelpĬLICK HERE if you need help starting or finding a quest after reading about it in the guide! This will allow you to create a new post requesting help from other players. If you are just beginning your adventure in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you may realize that there is an incredible amount of quests available in the game, and a vast range of story and lore for you to explore. Quests Not Available After Starting KOTFE.FLASHPOINT: Objective Meridian (Corellia).EXPANSION: Onslaught (Onderon & Mek-Sha).FLASHPOINT: Copero (A Traitor Among the Chiss).

swtor legacy family tree benefits

  • EXPANSION: Knights of the Fallen Empire (Zakuul & Odessen).
  • swtor legacy family tree benefits

    EXPANSION: Shadow of Revan (Rishi & Yavin 4).EXPANSION: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb).FLASHPOINTS: Boarding Party & The Foundry (Imperial).FLASHPOINTS: Taral V & Maelstrom Prison (Republic).Capital Planet, Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.⚙️ Hidden Exploratory Quests: IMPORTANT SETTING.Outlander Token - Start at Level 60 or 65.Is SWTOR worth trying? (Opinions - 2020)įilters Search By Flair Explore Community.You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. New / Returning Player Guide Common Tech Problems Discord Welcome

    Swtor legacy family tree benefits